The project, encompassed 10 miles of major highway and added a High Occupancy Vehicle (HOV) commuter lane to the existing highway corridor. The widening occurred in the existing right-of-way and required the replacement of three major bridge overcrossing structures, the widening of 13 undercrossing structures, the installation of more than 80 retaining wall and sound wall structures, and other capacity enhancements and highway safety features all impacting the landscape and irrigation facilities.
As Visual Quality Manager and Landscape Architect, LCI was responsible for the design and administrative coordination of the Visual Quality Management Advisory Team, engineering and architectural consultants, stakeholder groups, and affected agencies to develop the Visual Quality Management Concept Plan. The Plan was used to present measures to mitigate adverse visual impacts and provide guidance specific to the aesthetic design solutions for all components for proposed bridge replacements/widening, retaining/sound walls, slope/gore paving. LCI was responsible for the design and development of all highway and local roadway landscape elements for the highway corridor.