
LCI recently donated our design services to the Michelson Found Animals Adopt & Shop pet store in Culver City, California. The store recently underwent an exterior renovation.

It is estimated there are 1,131,392 households that own an average of 1.48 dogs. This means there are an estimated 1,674,460 dogs in Los Angeles County. Regrettably, many pets are lost or are neglected and end up in overcrowded shelters. Adopt & Shop focuses on saving pets from local shelters and offers pet adoptions of dogs and cats, pet supplies, grooming and dog daycare. Adopt and Shop has locations in Culver City and in Lakewood (at the Lakewood Mall). For more information please visit

LCI would also like to acknowledge the following businesses for providing their services for the renovation:

Architect: Wolcott Architecture|Interiors

General Contractor: JDM Contractors

K-9 Artifical Turf: ForeverLawn Pacific Coast

Plants: Vecchio Trees

Mural Artist: David Flores

To our clients, partners and friends: Lynn Capouya Landscape Architects continues to monitor the COVID-19 pandemic and we are contacting you personally to share what we are doing to maintain business continuity while keeping our staff and clients safe and healthy. As the situation is evolving day by day, we have implemented all the necessary tools required for our staff to work remotely, as well as have access to all the pertinent valuable documents to meet your needs and our obligations. We want would like to emphasize that we take our deadlines and the services we provide to our clients very seriously. All of us are focused on keeping projects moving forward, remain responsive to our work and doing our part to reduce the spread of the virus within our community. Please feel free to reach out either of us or give us a call should you have any questions or specific needs during this uncertain time.

Lynn Capouya, ASLA, LEED AP, ISA
President, Founding Principal
Jane Cataldo, RLA, LEED AP
Principal, Design Director